Having three babies of my own, I know all-too-well how quickly those first few days with your newborn go.
I know how soon their hands are no longer wrinkly and flaky but plump and smooth. I know that the hospital onesie that was once ill-fitting and baggy looks more like doll clothing than something your newborn slid right into. The hats that you were so careful to replace become something you grab when you can’t find the burp-cloth and the memory of those exhausting first hours when you first met your baby are starting to feel less like just yesterday and more like what they are…a sacred memory.
When I found out I was expecting my second baby, I didn’t hesitate to hire a photographer to capture those moments for me. My first labor and delivery left me in pretty rough shape the first 48 hours so I wasn’t counting on being able to do it myself, but I DID have a list of photos in my head I knew I wanted to make sure were captured. Now, I keep this shot-list in my bag for every Fresh48 I do for my clients and I’ve created a printable PDF so that whether you are taking your own photos or want to remember what to say when your photographer asks what your must-have shots are, you are prepared!
1. Close-up, detail shots.
2. Full body/ shots in the bassinet
3. Siblings meeting
4. Mom with newborn
5. Dad with newborn
6. Grandparents or visitors with newborn
7. Family all together
A few others not mentioned:
- Hospital door with boy/girl sign
- Baby’s hospital ID card in the basinet (I often look back at this photo of my babies to remember the exact times they were born, ha!! Blame it on mom-brain 😉
- Entrance to maternity ward/ exterior of hospital
- Table top overhead shot of all the mom-essentials postpartum (hospital water jug, saltines, hospital folders with documents)
- Mom or dad resting with baby on chest
- Skin to skin time
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